Hyundai Com Trans Kazakhstan was founded in August 2005. It is part of Astana Motors KMC. The company sells commercial vehicles of the Hyundai brand (trucks, buses, and special vehicles), being an official distributor of Hyundai Motor Company in Kazakhstan.
In view of the economic and production growth in Kazakhstan and a favorable situation on the freight transport market, Hyundai Center Kazakhstan began implementing a new project of selling Hyundai commercial vehicles in the summer of 2005. From February 2007, Hyundai Com Trans Kazakhstan became an independent division.
Compared with European vehicles, Hyundai's commercial vehicles are the most competitive ones.
Their main advantages are as follows: an acceptable price, favorable delivery terms and conditions as well as a warranty for production defects within three years or upon reaching 100 thousand kilometers.
How to become our dealer
We expand our dealership network in the regions and we are looking forward to cooperating with potential partners.
Minimum requirements to a dealership center of Hyundai Com Trans Kazakhstan.
You can send all information and documents to office@hyundai.kz, with a note “Applicant” or call +7 (727) 333 1961.
Вираж – Сервис Казахстан
- Алматы қ., Желтоқсан көшесі, 15/12
- +7 777 356 03 54